Beyond the Wall:

Short Stories

The Audio Border Reporting Team compiled a series of short stories highlighting community members who discuss migration, the border wall and their respective organizations work to prevent migrant deaths.

Photo Credit: Refugio Del Cid

Alvaro Enciso, a migrant from Colombia came to the United States under the false pretense of a so-called “American dream”. Aside from not being wanted here in this country, Enciso realized that the biggest obstacle of all is the separation from all you’ve ever known.

Photo Credit: Alejandro B. Torres Calderon Arrieta & Natasha Cortinovis

The ongoing state of the CBP's missing migrant program and how they work with the Pima County Chief Medical Examiner's office to identify missing migrants.

Photo Credit: Colton Allder

The border reporting class met up with the Desert Chaplains in Arivaca to search for the remains of a missing migrant. As a humanitarian aid organization, their work helps the families of missing migrants. Oscar and Lupita Andrade, the leaders of the Chaplains have dedicated their lives for the past three years to going to various locations in Arizona to find migrants.

Photo Credit: Colton Allder

The Coalición de Derechos Humanos hosted their 23rd Annual Día de los Muertos Procession to bring awareness about the migrants who have died crossing the U.S.-Mexico Border. The procession starts at the Global Justice Center with a blessing and ends with the reading of remembering those who risked their lives.

El Tiradito is a wishing shrine recognized by many locals in Tucson. Playwright, Elaine Romero, tells the story of the myth through her immersive play El Tiradito and how it relates to current migrant issues today.